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Alum and Reunion Photos
Do you have pictures or video from a reunion or a get-together with classmates?
​We'd love for you to share them by emailing Sister Carolyn.
Class of 1961: 60th Reunion (plus 2!)
Organized by Linda Frei Phelan, Julianne Shasky Ames and Nancy Kelly Kelly, the Class of '61 held their reunion and invited a special guest, Sister Mary Lois (in white jacket below), to join them at the Basque Cultural Center. They had a great time and discovered that a group from Presentation was also "reunion-ing" on the premises!

Class of '70 Seekers Reunion
Sept. 10, 2022
The Seekers celebrated their 50th+2 Reunion at the Harding Park Golf Club and all reports are that they had a great time, led by organizers Mary da Silva Abinante, Mary Ann Hurley Provence, and Christine Dahl Nowowiecki.
Class Reunions 2019-2020
Class of 1959 - 60th Reunion
The Class of 1959 (pictured above) celebrated their 60th reunion on September 25, 2019, at Original Joe’s Westlake. More than 40 alumnae gathered to celebrate this milestone! The Class of ‘59 brought in a $400 donation to Mercy’s Annual Fund!
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Class of 1964 - 55th Reunion
About 30 members from the Class of 1964 (pictured above) gathered in the M Lounge at Mercy High School on October 2, 2019, to celebrate their 55th reunion! $500 has been donated to Mercy from the Class of ‘64!
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​Class of 1969 - 50th Reunion​

The Class of 1969 (pictured above) celebrated their 50th Golden Diploma reunion on October 5, 2019, at Mercy High School in Rist Hall. Over 70 classmates reunited to celebrate this special milestone! The Class of ‘69 rallied to donated more than $2000 to the Class of 1969 Peter Patrick Madigan Antonini Scholarship!
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Class of 1974 - 45th Reunion
About 50 members from the Class of 1974 (some pictured above) gathered at the Park Chalet on September 28, 2019, to share memories and laughs as they celebrated their 45th reunion. Class members have been very communicative with Mercy’s alumnae office since their reunion!​
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Class of 1979 - 40th Reunion
More than 40 classmates from the Class of 1979 gathered at the Petaluma Women’s Club on October 13, 2019, to celebrate their 40th reunion. Celebrations included a raffle that raised more than $1500 for Mercy!
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Class of 1989 - 30th Reunion

The Class of 1989 celebrated its 30th reunion on an all-alumnae coastal cruise in January 2020 which was organized by CruiseOne franchise owner Alexandra Millard Ghiozzi '89.
For 5 days these Skippers sailed on the Pacific Ocean sharing laughs and stories of their years at Mercy. Mercy grads from other years were also invited to book through CruiseOne to enjoy a cocktail party and a Mercy/San Francisco trivia event, with a portion of the proceeds donated to Mercy.
​The combined donations from cabin bookings and Alex’s contribution brought in $2,000 for Mercy which was matched by December 31 for a total of $4,000. Thank you to the Class of 1989 and all additional supporters!
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Class of 1999 - 20th Reunion
The Class of 1999 celebrated their 20th reunion on January 11, 2020, in Mercy’s M Lounge. Despite just learning of Mercy’s planned closure, all in attendance managed to put their sorrows aside and celebrated their love of Mercy (and the 49ers) together.
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​Class of 2009 - 10th Reunion
​Nearly 20 members from the Class of 2009 gathered at Mercy on December 21, 2019, to celebrate their 10th reunion. Stories, laughs, and new memories were shared by all as the class walked down memory lane on a fun campus tour.
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